about the programme
For almost a decade now Aberness Care Ltd has earned the reputation as the provider of high-quality staff to support the care needs of both organisations and individuals. Part of this has been through ensuring that our Aberness staff have all the relevant training needed for their job roles and this has included the opportunity to gain their SVQ Qualifications to meet their SSSC Registration requirements through our fully accredited SQA Approved Centre.
This opportunity is available to all individuals and organisations to help support with meeting registration or development needs.
Social Services and Healthcare - SCQF Level 6
Expected completion time – 6 months
This level is for care staff who are responsible for the direct care of clients with supervision and a limited amount of autonomy.
Social Services and Healthcare - SCQF Level 7
Expected completion time – 9 months
This level is more suitable for staff with more experience and responsibility, with a higher level of input into the delivery of support for clients as well as support of staff.
SAAS funding may be available for Level 7 Candidates as we are approved by SAAS to accept part time fee grants.

SVQ approved centre
Our full time Assessors all have a wealth of experience of working in the Social Services and Healthcare Sector, both as front line workers and Assessors. This means they have a sound understanding of the standards of practice and knowledge required of those working in the sector.
Our SVQ Centre has robust policies, procedures and strategies for the efficient and fair delivery of SVQ Qualifications and a good relationship with the SQA, the Awarding Body for SVQ’s.
If you would like more information about what we could offer you, please contact:
Helen Ross
SQA Co-ordinator
07864 754 719

delivery requirements
Staff must already have been working in their job role for a minimum of 6 months at the level of SVQ they are registering for, in order to be able to evidence that their current practice and knowledge matches the criteria they need to meet for the qualification level.
Costs are inclusive of SQA registration, induction, individualized support and materials candidates need to complete their award. Portfolio’s are all paper free, electronic versions.
Observations of candidates actual work practice by their Assessor is a mandatory element of the SVQ Qualification, so access will be required to work premises for Assessors to carry these out.

Helen Ross
SQA Co-ordinator

Gail Clubb
SVQ Assessor